Liao questions his choice of this name later but Lin Hu is chuffed by it since it makes him the official guardian tiger of the Lin family, in spite there being other, more experienced guardian tigers already. Also, Guardian Tiger's eventual name, "Lin Hu", means "Tiger Lin". A Dog Named "Dog": Likulau is the Rukai word for clouded leopard.Divine Date: Lin Hu and Senpai are tiger gods and Likulau is a revered spirit.Deus Sex Machina: In the Limited (Adult) version, Lin Hu and Likulau have to have sex with Liao so that they will be 'attuned' enough for them to possess his body, and be strong enough to do what they need to do.Declaration of Protection: Each cat makes a vow to protect Liao in the True Ending.Dead All Along: Yan Shu-Chi, whose soul was devoured by Leopard Cat on the day of Liao's spiritual awakening.In the worst endings, you have to let down one or more of the cats.

Cruelty Is the Only Option: A Visual Novel staple.Of course to the onlookers they appear to be humans wearing their own iconic costumes from the blog. The 'Modern Tiger' blog has made them pretty popular at this point. Cosplay: In the Sunny Day DLC Lin Hu and Likulau cosplay as themselves for a while at the furry convention.Clothing Damage: At one point, Lin Hu blocks an attack meant for Liao from Likulau, leaving his garments torn and half of his prodigious upper body bare.Chromosome Casting: Save maybe background characters, there's no females in sight here, though Ragoo offhandedly mentions that he imagines himself as an old lady.Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: Being incorporeal, Lin Hu and Likulau can make their garments disappear and reappear at will.Cassandra Truth: Lin Hu mentions a few times that Leopard Cat gives him bad vibes.Eventually, he is forced to continue wearing his Shu-Chi 'mask', as penance for having killed the real Shu-Chi. Becoming the Mask: Senpai comes to enjoy playing human and living with Liao, in spite of his yaoguai background.Bara Genre: A rare all-ages note Although there is an NSFW version readily available example.Such that when it comes time to try for the bad endings it hurts to let any of the cats down.